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The Wisdom of The Council

An entirely channeled book of messages from The Council, a group of ascended master beings, that communicate to us that we have the power to be the Creators of our lives.
The Wisdom of The Council is an entirely channeled book of messages by The Council, a group of ascended master beings. Their messages are both empowering and gentle, and guide you towards ascending to a new level of consciousness, stepping into the greatest version of you, and recognizing that you have the ability to create your own Heaven on Earth-a new way of perceiving your human experience.
The Council assures us that we have the power to be the Creators of our lives. And from the Council’s perspective, it’s all done already-we already have this Creator energy within us and it’s just a matter of aligning with that frequency. The Council encourages us to expand our consciousness and awareness so we can go beyond our thinking mind. Only then can we expand our potential, come into alignment with who we truly are, manifest from a place of wholeness rather than lack, and ultimately live out our destiny.

The Wisdom of The Council is available in paperback and e-book from your favorite bookseller.

The Wisdom of The Council audiobook is available on the Empower You Unlimited Audio app from Hay House, as well as on other popular audiobook platforms.

You are invited to listen to a FREE 60-minute excerpt of The Wisdom of The Council audiobook today!
Excerpts from the Foreword for THE WISDOM OF THE COUNCIL
"'Who am I?' is the quintessential question at the heart of every philosophical pursuit and the basis for the sense of wonder we feel about our very existence. This universal question, echoed from the Himalayas to Hollywood by yogis, shamans, and seekers, has been presumed rhetorical. However, believing as I do that in the purest sense there is an absolute truth to all things—I believe this question not only has an answer, but that the answer lies within these very pages.
This truth, as you'll find, is electrifying. It is bursting with the unexpected possibilities that await each of us for living happier, longer, and more fulfilled lives."
. . .
"You have chosen this existence, at this time, first, to discover who you really are, and second, to see where it leads you and the earth's collective of natural-born Creators. You wield a power so great it can literally move mountains, bestow fortunes, and manifest thy Divine will on earth.
That this book is in your hands means that a tipping point has been reached in your own search for answers and very soon you will better understand what it means to have dominion over all things."
– Mike Dooley, New York Times bestselling author of Infinite Possibilities and The Complete Notes from the Universe
The Wisdom of The Council is available now.
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“The Wisdom of The Council inspires the reader to manifest their extraordinary goals and make them possible. Sara Landon acts as the channel for The Council, whose messages and information have helped benefit and transform the lives of so many across the world. Sara is one of the great channelers of our times!”
– Kevin Moore, host of The Moore Show and They Call Us Channelers
“A transcendent vibration of unconditional love can be felt within every page of The Wisdom of The Council. It’s the kind of love that can move mountains and heal worlds. Sara has dedicated her life to doing inner work that has allowed her to be a pure vessel who embodies and brings forth transcendent wisdom into the world. This book serves as a reminder of the magnificence that you are and have always been.”
– Emmanuel Dagher, author of Easy Breezy Prosperity and Easy Breezy Miracle
“If you know that there is something bigger within yourself that is ready to be created but just can’t put your finger on it, this is the book for you. Sara Landon and The Council will expertly, expeditiously, and lovingly guide you to discovering your purpose and living to your highest potential. It is a guidebook whose time has come: the next generation of a genre of channeled wisdom that will open the doorway to your embodied awareness of the life you are ready for and capable of creating.”
– John Burgos, creator and host of Beyond the Ordinary Show
“The Council’s teachings are an integral part of my life. They are a source of guidance and inspiration, but it goes so far beyond their words; their communication is a vibrational experience capable of transforming the human mental, emotional, and energetic state. Loving, humorous, and wise, The Council is here to help the collective usher in an awakened planet and help each of us live a life of peace, joy, freedom, and purpose. I am thrilled to see their wisdom now embodied in book form in The Wisdom of The Council.”
– Sunny Joy McMillan, author of Unhitchedand host of Sunny in Seattle
“You want to read this. Now. Sara Landon’s The Wisdom of The Council raises you up, inspires you, and moves you to be the love that creates. Just in the reading, your vibrations respond.”
– Dee Wallace, actress and author of Born
“Having spent a lot of time with a variety of channelers over the years making my show, Sara and The Council stand out as they can get right to the issue and offer solutions that create radical shifts in real-time. I was blown away at how to the point The Council can be with finding the cause of an issue and helping me find different perspectives that help resolve the issue in a matter of moments.”
– Reuben Langdon, creator and host of
Interviews with Extra Dimensionals
“The messages provided in this book will guide you to align with your deeper purpose in life. Sara has inspired many, including myself, to live a life of joy in the moment. The Council’s message raises us up to the highest personal understanding of who we really are.”
– Jay Williams, Ph.D., author of The 24-Hour Turnaround
“This book and the larger work of The Council has helped me to see the rich tapestry of life from a greater perspective and to understand things from a deeper and higher level. I am sure this book will help many, many others on their own journeys through their masterfully created lives. It is an essential guide for every Wayshower.”
– Jenny Hawkyard, multi-disciplinary artist and illustrator
“In an ideal world, we’d all connect with Spirit, the Divine, or The Council just as Sara does. But since we don’t—though we can— reading Sara’s book may just be the next best thing. If you want to discover your divine purpose, ultimate destiny, and shine brighter than ever before, then this awe-inspiring book is for you!”
– Michael Sandler, author of AWE: The Automatic
Writing Experience and host of Inspire Nation
“A glorious enlightening, illuminating, and awakening occurs as you read this book. You will feel the love and light within you become activated. I highly recommend this book to further awaken the God and Source within.”
– Eileen Hahn, author of The Job You Were Born For
“The most precious moments in life are those when you’re undeniably in the presence of Truth. Those moments can bring tears to your eyes, joy to your heart, and a deep knowing in your soul. That is precisely how I experience being with The Council. Their message goes far beyond words on a page. Whether you are a lifelong seeker or are just now opening into the deeper truths of life, The Wisdom of The Council is a direct path to becoming everything you wish to be.”
– Dr. Curt Eastin, personal development and energy psychology coach
“The Council’s teachings are simple yet uncommon. Sara is the perfect choice on the planet to bring forth this wisdom for humanity. Heaven is a consciousness you tune in to, not a place you go. The results you’ll experience from living this wisdom will be extraordinary. This isn’t a promise; it’s a guarantee!”
– Danny Khursigara, co-author of The Road to Success
“Every page, every word holds the vibrational frequency of pure love. As you read and re-read this profound wisdom from The Council, your body will recognize and resonate with its truth, not only within these pages, but the truth that resides within you. This book will lovingly guide you into the realization of just how powerful you are to create the life you want to live.”
– Fiona Paul, intuitive guide and channel
“Bravo! A brilliant and beautiful book of Divine guidance that lights the way to the New Earth. The Wisdom of The Council gifts readers with life-changing wisdom and simple principles toward creating an abundant, joyful, purpose-filled life. Within its pages are the answers to every question, but perhaps more importantly, the elevated perspective that enables us to step into our true power as the Creators we were born to be. The Council lovingly takes readers on the journey to mastery, leaving one empowered, equipped, and excited to fully embrace these extraordinary times in which we live.”
– Lyn White, director of Animals International