“You can have a relationship with money and the consciousness of money like you have never experienced before.”
—The Council, channeled by Sara Landon
Align with ABUNDANCE in this exciting three-part course!
Watch the video above for an excerpt from Part One.

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Receive one of our most popular channeled mp3s, The Frequency of Abundance, as a free gift with your registration!

Are you ready to allow prosperity in every area of your life?

Join Sara Landon and The Council for
Abundance Now!
Each session of this channeled experience includes Q&A with The Council!
Start a New Relationship with Money Today
The Formula for Creating Prosperity
Absolute Knowing of Your Infinite Abundance
Would you like to have a whole new relationship with abundance, prosperity, and wealth?

3 Channeled Sessions
Recreate your relationship with money, discover the formula for creating prosperity, and come to know your abundance through three 90-minute online channeled video sessions, each including Q&A with The Council.

Video & Audio Recordings
Audio and video recordings of each session are provided immediately upon purchase. With lifetime access in your Library, you can always revisit the experience and go deeper into the messages.

Downloadable Transcripts & MP3s
Each session also includes the corresponding written transcript available as a PDF download. Audio files are also downloadable for on-the-go listening.

Bonus Channeled Mp3
Receive immediate access to one of the most popular channeled messages from The Council. The Frequency of Abundance can assist you in attuning to your personal prosperity right away!
You can consciously choose to align with abundance and expand it in your life, so that every day is exciting and fun as you play and create with all that is here for you.
Allow prosperity throughout your life!
CLICK HERE TO REGISTER“When you really understand that it’s all about your vibration, your frequency, your level of consciousness, the energy you’re summoning, it becomes very easy to realize the powerhouse you are, able to easily and effortlessly draw to you everything you need and more even before you know you need it.”
—The Council, channeled by Sara Landon
Meet Sara Landon
Passionate about living her highest potential, Sara Landon is a guide for leaders, wayshowers, and changemakers contributing to raising the vibration of the planet. She shines a light on the path for others to expand beyond the perceived limitations of the human experience and live as the masters that they are while remaining grounded in the modern world.
As the masterful channel of The Council, Sara focuses to be the ultimate student of the wisdom and teachings she receives and is committed to conscious, impeccable creation. Her intention is to be the purest channel of a grander perspective of what is possible and to help others discover that they have the same ability to connect to higher levels of consciousness and guidance.
Sara holds the vision of living in a fully awakened world where all beings live harmoniously with one another, the planet, the animals, and within themselves. She helps those who are ready to play in new levels of energy reconnect with all that they are so they may live, love, and lead in this time of awakening.
Allow Sara Landon to guide you to feel complete freedom, be totally satiated in the present moment, and know your purpose!

Receive one of our most popular channeled mp3s, The Frequency of Abundance, as a free gift with your registration!