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Allow the profound wisdom of The Council to positively influence your life as they proclaim that your life can be as expansive as it is meant to be when you claim your infinite worth and fully give yourself permission to be a powerful creator.
Main themes include:
- You are here playing with energy and playing with creation and playing with the process of manifestation. It’s meant to be joyful, fun, and exciting.
- Are you claiming paradise or are you holding yourself in an experience of your own personal chaos or disharmony? Only you can choose.
- You are the most amazing, beautiful, magnificent thing that you will ever create.
- Fully give permission for the infinite freedom and infinite beauty and infinite joy and infinite peace and infinite harmony that is the truth of who you are when you remember your infinite worth.
- Your infinite worth is here for you now. Claim it as Creator within your own creation. Because, as we have said, everything you wish to be, you already are.
This session was recorded live during a Masters Class channeled call on April 6, 2022.