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A two-hour video channeled experience with
Sara Landon and The Council
Do you desire the freedom to truly be all that you are and create a life that you love?
“Experience the freedom to do and be and have anything you want right here right now!” —The Council
This event is your opportunity to expand your consciousness, broaden your awareness, and invite in new levels of freedom. When you intentionally focus on all the ways that you really are free in your own life, you begin to experience new levels of freedom to create anything you want in your life.
“To create the life that you want to live for yourself, it comes down to freedom!” —The Council
Join Sara Landon & The Council for
$14.97 USD
Video & audio replays, as well as the written transcript, are included with your purchase and are immediately available in your Library once your transaction is complete.
“This is all about your power, your freedom, and your ability to create!”—The Council
About Sara Landon
Sara Landon is a globally celebrated transformational leader, spiritual teacher, and channel of The Council. She has been called a leader of leaders for the next generation of teachers, wayshowers, channels, coaches, and guides who are contributing to raising the consciousness and vibration on the planet at this time. Passionate about living her highest potential, Sara shines a light on the path for others to expand beyond the perceived limitations of the human experience and live as the realized masters that they are.
As the voice of The Council, Sara’s intention is to be the purest channel of their wisdom and teachings, which offer a grander perspective of what is possible for each of us—and our beloved human family—as we elevate our consciousness to new levels. She focuses herself, as the ultimate student, to live the wisdom and teachings at the highest level and is dedicated to helping others discover that they too have the ability to connect to these greater levels of awareness and guidance.
Unique in the field of channeling, Sara not only shares The Council’s wisdom but offers revolutionary guidance through personal practice on how to apply and integrate these teachings in everyday life for more joy, peace, ease, love, freedom, beauty, and abundance.
A powerful luminary, Sara’s greatest joy is helping those who are ready to play in new levels of energy reconnect with all that they are so they may live, love, and lead in this time of awakening. Sara holds the vision of a fully awakened world where all beings coexist harmoniously with one another and Earth. Through numerous courses, coaching groups, and activations as well as her widely-celebrated Global Masters’ Class program, she has helped thousands of masters from around the world integrate the wisdom of The Council and create profound life-changing, long-lasting realization.
About The Council
“You are us. We are you. We come forth because we promised we would. So that you never forget who you really are, why you are here, and what you intended when you chose this magnificent life experience!” —The Council
While any description that can be understood by the human mind is tremendously limited, the brief answer is: The Council is a collective of ascended master beings with a higher level of consciousness and a grander perspective of the human experience.
Originally summoned by Sara’s asking to know her true purpose, The Council came forth over time as she allowed a greater connection with non-physical energy through a series of meaningful life events. Now The Council’s profound wisdom is expressed readily, as she’s able to simply relax and allow their perspective to flow through her.
Since first appearing in written and spoken words, their messages have expanded in response to the questions of a much larger group. Their powerful teachings continually become richer and deeper as the collective listening audience experiences life and desires more.
The Council is here to remind us of our own wisdom, which we never intended to forget.