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Allow the profound wisdom of The Council to positively influence your life as they acknowledge how far you have come as you embody your magnificent truth and this grand adventure presents a new journey to you, a journey of true mastery.
Main themes include:
- You can fully allow a level of joy and abundance and happiness and peace and fulfillment and prosperity and freedom, even as you observe others denying it for themselves.
- You are the embodiment of your soul’s desires manifested in form. You know you are truly living on a level you never have before.
- Witness the magnificence of all you have expanded into. Witness the magnificence of the powerful creator that you are while you also witness the magnificence and the magic of the unknown.
- While so much of your journey has been practicing and awakening and coming into realization, a new journey has begun, one of true living mastery.
- You are trailblazers. You are wayshowers. You are pioneers of new levels of potential and possibility to live happily ever after.
This session was recorded live during a Masters Class channeled call on October 4, 2023.