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Allow the profound wisdom of The Council to positively influence your life as they invite you to transcend the lower vibrations that entangle you and come fully into abundance, wellbeing, harmony, and freedom to witness the miraculous you.
Main themes include:
- You have gone beyond what even you had imagined possible for this incarnation, and you have called forth a whole new reality, a whole New Earth, a whole new collective human consciousness.
- Your very way of being is to embody love, compassion, acceptance, approval, understanding, and reverence for yourself.
- You're stepping into a whole new existence. And you summoned it all. You drew it to you. You've created it. You've asked for it. You've intended it. You have elevated yourself into the consciousness of it.
- The master follows the energy, and when there is none, they move deeper and deeper and deeper into stillness because that is the access point to clearly see where the acceleration of energy is taking you.
- You're moving through ultimate completion to fully transcend lack, limitation, fear, separation, shame, guilt, judgment, unworthiness to fully allow your own ascension into pure love, your own ascension into a New Earth.
This session was recorded live during a Masters Class channeled call on June 5, 2024.