Living, Loving, and Leading in the Time of Awakening


The world is awakening!  What better time than now to live, love, and lead by simply BEing an absolute master of following the energy and radiating your light?

Allow everything to be done through you moment by moment.


Let yourself be delighted by opportunities for more balance and greater harmony within you than ever before!  Come home to all that you are and thrive in your modern experience, inspiring new potentials and shifted paradigms for all of humanity.

Join Sara Landon & The Council for


Session One:  The Master’s Journey Home

Bringing enlightenment into your physical world during this Time of Awakening


Session Two:  Follow the Light

Tuning to the energetic currents to flow easily, effortlessly, and harmoniously regardless of circumstances


Session Three:  Focus Your Creative Energy

Knowing when and how to focus for the creation of exactly what you desire, without attachment, to contribute to humanity


Session Four:  New Expression, More Expansion

Freeing yourself to be and receive beyond anything previously imagined for the collective elevation of consciousness


Session Five:  Richer Experiences, Deeper Connection

Thriving in Heaven on Earth, here and now, to shine as a beacon for others


Session Six: You Are The Council On Earth

Living, Loving, & leading as fully realized Ascended Master here on Earth

Masters live in a harmonious world WITHIN THEMSELVES, knowing everything is a figment of their creation!  Practice impeccable creative expression dedicated to the highest evolution of all. 

You are here to embody and express consciousness at a time when it is so deeply desired on the planet.  With your help, the awakening journey of those around you can be a more loving, gentle, and harmonious experience. 


Living, Loving, and Leading in the Time of Awakening 

Replays and transcripts are included with your registration.

Join Sara Landon & The Council for