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This book is a step-by-step guide to channeling, empowering you to access higher wisdom and receive guidance from your guides and soul team!
You Are a Channel
Receive Guidance from Higher Realms, Ascended Masters, Star Families, and More
Discover how you—yes you!—can learn to receive guidance from your soul, spirit guides, angels, ascended beings, and Spirit. Globally celebrated channel, Sara Landon, shares her top 15 channeling tips, which she has discovered over many years of channeling The Council, plus the experiential process to assist you in opening and developing your own connection to infinite intelligence.
These include:
- committing to a journaling and automatic writing practice
- being a conscious channel
- understanding that the channel has no judgment
- using "trigger" words and phrases to channel
- using all your senses to experience channeling
Once you have established your connection to Source energy, a whole new and amazing world may begin to present itself to you, inviting you to discover your unique gifts, abilities, and skills. This book will invite you to play in new realms of pure potential, where higher wisdom is available to everyone. You might even meet your favorite ascended master or archangel, only to realize they have been eagerly waiting to guide you and assist you on this magnificent adventure.

You Are a Channel is available from these booksellers:

You Are a Channel audiobook is available on the Empower You Unlimited Audio app from Hay House, as well as on other popular audiobook platforms.
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About the Author
SARA LANDON is a globally celebrated transformational leader, spiritual teacher, and channel of The Council. She is the author of The Wisdom of the Council and co-author of The Dream, The Journey, Eternity, and God with Mike Dooley. Passionate about living to her highest potential, Sara shines a light on the path for others to expand beyond the perceived limitations of the human experience and live as the realized masters they are.
Order your copy of You Are a Channel today!
ORDER NOWExcerpt from You Are a Channel
A Message from The Council on Channeling
"We are so pleased and delighted to have the opportunity to speak with you on this fine and glorious day indeed. You are everything you wish to be; you already are. You are a vessel and conduit of Source energy and divine love and truth in the world. You are a channel of infinite intelligence, infinite love, infinite well-being, and infinite abundance.
You are either cutting off your channel, slowing it down, limiting divine love, or you are opening and expanding it, and fully allowing it, which is what you intended as the extension of Source energy that is you when you focused yourself into this human experience. What you call channeling—discovering the channel that you already are—it’s about consciously, intentionally opening and allowing all that is here for you and available for you in every moment.
You have this. You are this. You can do this. You can have it all in your life. When you say I want to have it all, what you’re really saying is, 'I want to fully open my channel to the infinite love and infinite well-being and infinite abundance and infinite intelligence that is the divine inherent birthright that I knew I had when I chose to come into this magnificent life experience.' You just learned to limit it or doubt it or deny it or not trust all that is here for you.
Go outside and find something beautiful, or go pet your dog or your cat, or be with your family and intentionally, consciously feel the love and the beauty and the appreciation. If you are looking at a beautiful flower, really focus on that flower. Then open and allow Source to see that beautiful flower through your eyes, to smell that beautiful flower through your nose. As you’re gazing upon someone you love, open and allow all of Source to feel the love that you’re feeling, and you will begin to open your channel and your awareness..."
Open Yourself to Divine Wisdom
“While I have realized the potential that millions of people around the world will now be able to use The Wisdom of The Council to transform their lives and live their own highest potential, it’s my deepest desire to leave a legacy where all those who are ready will discover their own ability to channel Source and access the grander perspective that is here for us all.”
– Sara Landon
You Are a Channel book
Receive Guidance from Higher Realms, Ascended Masters, Star Families, and More
While this book contains everything you need to learn to channel, it is just one of the ways Sara Landon offers her expertise. If you want to expand your abilities and strengthen your communication with infinite intelligence, check out her other offerings!
You Are a Channel online course
Reconnect with your soul, higher self, guides, angels, and loved ones on the other side!
Take your experience further as Sara Landon guides you to enhance your personal connection with Divine wisdom and Source energy. This 5-part online course is a fantastic complement to the book and is an updated and expanded version of the previous learn to channel course, The Art of Channeling.
LEARN MORESemi-Private Channeling Series
Develop and Expand Your Unique Abilities and Gifts
Dive even deeper into your channeling journey by sharing five weeks alongside other masters as you connect with your highest potential! This is the richest and most personalized option available for learning to channel with Sara Landon. Space in these groups is limited to ensure a more intimate, collaborative experience.