featuring channeled activations from The Council


You Are a Channel

A Guide to Your Personal Connection with Divine Wisdom

is an exciting and expansive opportunity to discover how you, yes you, can access higher wisdom and receive guidance from Higher Realms, Ascended Masters, Star Families, and More!

This course is an updated and expanded version of our previous learn-to-channel course, The Art of Channeling.

In this course, globally-celebrated channel of The Council, Sara Landon, will guide you through an experiential process, along with tools, tips, and techniques to assist you in opening and evolving your own connection to higher wisdom. Once that is established, a whole new, extraordinary, and amazing world begins to present itself to you, one where you can rediscover your unique gifts, abilities, and skills.

You are invited to play in new realms of pure potential where higher wisdom is available to everyone. You might just meet your favorite Ascended Master or Archangel, only to realize that they have been eagerly waiting to guide and assist you on this magnificent adventure!

Sara will also share the TOP 21 CHANNELING TIPS that she has discovered in more than a decade of channeling The Council.


Sara has taught more than 5,000 students worldwide how to channel, and now you can discover your own ability to channel… and we assure you, You Are a Channel!

We recommend purchasing Sara's complementary book You Are a Channel to enhance your course experience!

Start this online course TODAY, including Q&A with Sara Landon and channeled activations from The Council!

Session One

Why Channeling,
Why Now?

In this session, we will explore:
  • What Makes Your Connection Important in the NOW
  • What Your Soul Wants You to Know
  • The Channeling Relationship
  • Types of Channeling

Session Two

Trust Yourself
and Your Channel

In this session, we will explore:
  • Giving Your Guides Permission
  • Your Way Is Unique and Perfect
  • Building Trust and Confidence
  • Your Personality, the Mind, or Higher Wisdom?

Session Three

Caring for Your
Channeling Body

In this session, we will explore:
  • Your Light Is Your Protection
  • Tending Your Beautiful Vessel
  • Tools for Easy, Instant Connection
  • Meditation & Raising Your Vibration
  • Activating Your Senses

Session Four

Higher Realms, Ascended Masters, and More

In this session, we will explore:
  • Light Language
  • Animal Communication
  • Mediumship and Reconnecting with Loved Ones
  • Angels, Guides, Star Families, and More

Session Five

Living the Wisdom and Guidance You Channel

In this session, we will explore:
  • Personal Application of the Guidance You Receive
  • The Healing Power of Channeling
  • The Great Awakening and Your Role
  • Your New, Extraordinary Life

You Are a Channel also includes the replay of a Dedicated Q&A session with Sara Landon to wrap up the course.

You will receive access to an online community where you can connect with fellow participants for discussion and interaction — right inside your Library!

All participants receive access. No separate account (such as social media) is needed to participate.

This course is for all who are ready to reconnect with their soul, higher self, guides, angels, and loved ones on the other side!


In this online course, you will learn how to:

These benefits ALL came directly from people who have taken part in Sara Landon’s learn-to-channel experiences!

You’ll also gain tools to quiet your mind and tap into the field of infinite intelligence that is always available to you.

In this online course, you will learn how to:

  • Free yourself from limiting beliefs, fear, lack consciousness, and limitations.
  • Heighten your intuition, get into alignment, and receive more inspiration.
  • Enhance your creativity to write your book, paint, or create new projects.
  • Access your hidden and undiscovered skills, gifts, and abilities.
  • Experience deeper levels of peace, well-being, and expansion.
  • Tap into greater self-awareness that leads to confidence, clarity, and certainty.
  • Cultivate absolute trust in spirit and know that you are always guided.
  • Raise your vibration and consciousness in any moment.
  • Transform your life to literally live in your own Heaven on Earth.

These benefits ALL came directly from people who have taken part in Sara Landon’s learn-to-channel experiences!

Plus, you’ll gain tools to quiet your mind and tap into the field of infinite intelligence that is always available to you.

What are the differences between the THREE learn-to-channel options that Sara Landon offers?


"While I have realized the potential that millions of people around the world will now be able to use The Wisdom of The Council to transform their lives and live their own highest potential, it’s my deepest desire to leave a legacy where all those who are ready will discover their own ability to channel Source and access the grander perspective that is here for us all."


You Are a Channel

This is a step-by-step guide to channeling, empowering you to access higher wisdom and receive guidance from higher realms, ascended masters, star families, and MORE! 

It is available in paperback, e-book, and audiobook formats.

You Are a Channel
online course

Take your experience further as Sara Landon guides you to enhance your personal connection with Divine wisdom and Source energy.

This 5-part online course is an updated and expanded version of the previous learn-to-channel course, The Art of Channeling.

Channeling Series

Dive even deeper by sharing five weeks alongside other masters as you connect with your highest potential!

This is Sara's most personalized option available for learning to channel. Space is limited to ensure a more collaborative experience.

Praise for You Are a Channel

Frequently Asked Questions


Meet Sara Landon

Sara Landon is a guide to greater human potential, shining a light on the path so you can expand beyond the perceived limitations of this human experience. A leader of wayshowers in the modern world, she inspires and helps others to live as the masters that they are and contribute to raising the vibration of the planet. As the masterful channel of The Council, Sara focuses to be the ultimate student of the wisdom and teachings she receives and can assist you in feeling complete freedom and knowing your purpose!

About The Council

The Council is a collective of ascended master beings with a higher level of consciousness and a grander perspective of the human experience. Their powerful teachings continually become richer and deeper as we experience life and ask for more. They are here to remind us of our own wisdom, which we never intended to forget.


We recommend purchasing Sara's complementary book You Are a Channel to enhance your course experience!

You can begin your journey through the course replay TODAY!

You will receive access to Session One immediately following your purchase, with the remaining contents delivered via time-release over 30 days. You will also receive The Portal to Infinite Potential visualization as a BONUS with your registration!

You Are a Channel

A Guide to Your Personal
Connection with Divine Wisdom

Purchase the REPLAY for $147 USD

This course is for all who are ready to reconnect with their soul, higher self, guides, angels, and loved ones on the other side!