Let's go on a journey to KNOWING our worthiness!




Take a journey to knowing that you are worthy of having it all, whatever that means for you, in this five-part online channeled course with Sara Landon and The Council, including guided integration extras!

Give me the details!


A Journey to Knowing You Are Worthy of Having It All

"All that stands between you and everything that you desire more of in your magical and amazing life experience comes down to your belief in your own worthiness."
Excerpted from the Masters Class channeled call on 18 May 2022


This is an evolutionary journey!

Manifesting your soul’s desires in every area of your life is absolutely possible.

Let's travel to the state of being where you KNOW that you are worthy of having it all!

I want to KNOW my worthiness!

Receive bonus guidance from start to finish!

Prepare for our journey with The Worthiness Map, a special interactive video bonus from Sara Landon! Benefit from a custom exercise designed specifically for this course, including all the supporting materials needed to get oriented before the journey begins.

Take your journey further with The Worthiness Summit, another video bonus from Sara Landon! Once all five channeled sessions have concluded, Sara will share special guidance to help you continue elevating your awareness to KNOW your worthiness in daily life.

Registration for the 2024 journey closes at
11:59 PM Pacific on Monday, June 10, 2024.









Where are we going?

Five online channeled sessions mark the path for this course.

A Peek at the Journey

Session One — Start Where You Are

Wherever you are is just right, so that is where our journey together starts. It really is the perfect place to begin!

Session Two — Go Exploring

There are no wrong paths, so let's go exploring! How else will you know what having it all means for you?

Session Three — Enjoy the View

Your journey is truly incredible, so pause to take in the beauty along the way! There's so much to see and appreciate.

Session Four — Choose It ALL

Why not choose to have it ALL, whatever that means for you? You are the creator, you know!

Session Five — Keep Having Fun

Admire life from the summit of KNOWING your value, then keep having fun because the journey never ends!

You're worth it!

2024  You're Worth It!  Journey

The Worthiness Map

Video Release – Wednesday, June 5, 2024

LIVE Kick-Off Party
Friday, June 7, 2024 at 12 PM Pacific
Video replay available until July 19, 2024

Channeled Sessions
Audio and Video Release each Monday from June 10, 2024 through July 8, 2024  

Integration Videos
Video Release each Thursday from June 13, 2024 through July 11, 2024  

LIVE Community Call
Friday, June 28, 2024 at 12 PM Pacific
Video replay available until July 19, 2024

The Worthiness Summit
Video Release – Friday, July 12, 2024

What is included with my registration?

This sounds FUN! Count me in!

Integration videos will support you along the way!

A few days after each channeled session, you will receive a short integration video from Sara Landon to help you apply the wisdom from the session in your life! Her guidance will assist you in quickly making the most of the material as the journey unfolds.


A Journey to Knowing You Are Worthy of Having It All


A five-part online channeled video course with guided integration extras from Sara Landon and The Council

Join this journey to KNOWING your worthiness!

"You are worthy of everything you want and everything you need showing up even before you know you need it. You are worthy of having everything you need to do what you’re inspired to do and called to do when you’re called to do it. You would not have agreed to come into this human experience if it was any other way."
The Council, excerpted from You Are Worthy of Everything

I'm ready for the 2024 journey!

Registration for the 2024 journey closes at
11:59 PM Pacific on Monday, June 10, 2024.









"You are worthy of every adventure, of every experience, of every desire that aligns to the truth and the expression of all that you are."
—The Council

Who is leading the way?

Meet Sara Landon

Passionate about living her highest potential, Sara Landon is a guide for leaders, wayshowers, and changemakers contributing to raising the vibration of the planet. She shines a light on the path for others to expand beyond the perceived limitations of the human experience and live as the masters that they are while remaining grounded in the modern world.

As the masterful channel of The Council, Sara focuses to be the ultimate student of the wisdom and teachings she receives and is committed to conscious, impeccable creation. Read More

Who is The Council?

While any description that can be understood by the human mind is tremendously limited, the brief answer is: The Council is a collective of ascended master beings with a higher level of consciousness and a grander perspective of the human experience. They are here to remind us of our own wisdom, which we never intended to forget. Read More

YES! This journey is for me!

Receive three channeled messages from The Council immediately upon signup!

Enjoy these FREE bonus mp3s, available to listen in your Library or download, as soon as you register for YOU'RE WORTH IT!

Registration for the 2024 journey closes at
11:59 PM Pacific on Monday, June 10, 2024.









Registration for the 2024 journey closed at
11:59 PM Pacific on Monday, June 10, 2024.

Join the Waitlist

Join the waitlist to learn when You're Worth It! is available for purchase again!